
Abdou Awarded China Professorship

January 27, 2010

Mohamed Abdou (UCLA)has been awarded one of 20 "2010 Einstein Professorhips of the Chinese Academy of Sciences". Abdou was selected for his pioneering contributions and outstanding leadership in the thermal, nuclear, and fusion fields. As part of this prestigious award, Abdou was invited to give two major lectures and to carry out in-depth academic discussions with researchers and graduate students at host institutes in China.

Each year the Chinese Academy of Sciences awards Einstein Professorships to 20 distinguished international scientists and talented leaders actively working at the frontiers of science and technology.

Dr. Abdou is a Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Applied Science UCLA and is President of the U.S. Council for Energy Research and Education Leaders (CEREL). He is also the recipient of Fusion Power Associates 1996 Leadership Award and a member of Fusion Power Associates Board of Directors.

He can be reached at abdou@fusion.ucla.edu